Surgical Instructions for Dental Procedures

Wisdom Teeth RecoveryWhen having a surgical procedure such as an extraction or sedation, there are some things we ask you to take into account prior to your procedure:

Avoid Heavy Foods

Heavy meals may make you feel nauseous if you are nervous or having a sedation procedure. We may ask you to have only a light meal or avoid food altogether prior to your treatment.

Provide Us a List of All Medications

Dental Patient Child FrecklesContinue taking all of your medication as prescribed. Do not discontinue any medication unless under the direction of your physician.

Bring a Friend

If you are having oral sedation you will need to bring a friend or family member to drive you home from your appointment.

Don’t Hesitate to Call

Discomfort or prolonged bleeding should be brought to our attention. Please do not hesitate to call us to discuss whether or not additional care is needed.